Category Archives: Wildlife animals

Liebre ibérica. Juan Lacruz CC-BY

IRTA coordinates the group ‘MIXOlepus’ to face mixomatosis in the hare

Pigs and llamas are also susceptible to be infected by MERS-CoV

Citizen campaign to avoid African swine fever

The Government of Catalonia launches an information campaign aimed at the whole society with the aim of preventing the arrival of African Swine Fever (PPA) in Catalonia and detect it as soon as possible if there is some suspicious case.

Foto: Jacob González-Solís (UB-IRBio)

Pathogens scattered by humans in polar latitudes threaten Antarctic wildlife

Looking for porcine circovirus 3 in domestic pigs and wild boars.

African swine fever, frequently asked questions

What is the current status of the African Swine Fever virus? What is the resistance of the virus? What are its transmission routes? And the forms of infection? What can we do to prevent it? Dr. Llilianne Ganges, IRTA-CReSA researcher and OIE expert on Classical Swine Fever virus answers these questions.

Bovine Tuberculosis: Challenges and Controversies (IV). The role of wildlife

Streptococcus suis in wild boars from Barcelona: a potential public health risk

Wild boar populations have substantially increased in Europe during the last decades. The great adaptability of this native wild species to a wide range of habitats has also prompted its appearance in urban and suburban areas in the last years, being nowadays common in big cities like Barcelona or Berlin. This novel situation regarding urban wild boars poses several conflicts like traffic accidents, occasional aggressions or the possibility to transmit diseases to other animals and human beings.