Category Archives: Tuberculosis

Zoonotic Tuberculosis, a public health challenge?

Bovine Tuberculosis: Challenges and Controversies (IV). The role of wildlife

Bovine tuberculosis: Challenges and controversies (III). Is vaccination an option?

Bovine tuberculosis: Challenges and controversies (II). Biological and non-biological context

Bovine tuberculosis: Challenges and controversies (I). A shared disease

Of goats, sheep and tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is one of the diseases with which we work at IRTA-CReSA. We can do this because we have a level 3 biocontainment unit that allows us to work directly and safely with the infectious agents that cause tuberculosis. Zoonoses like this, diseases that affect animals and people, are also one of the reasons that explain the existence of a research center like ours.

New doctoral thesis about the bovine tuberculosis in the herds

New strategies to improve tuberculosis control in goats