CReSAPIENS nº 6. An introduction to zoonoses: basics concepts

The sixth number of CReSAPIENS, our science divulgation journal, is now available. This time, the author of the articles aproches the zoonoses through its many perspectives: from its way of transmission (that is to say, through the consumption of animal products, vectors or through the direct contact with infected animals), to the importance of the public health surveillance, also its history and evolution, etc.




Some of the content found on CReSAPIENS 4 (published only in Spanish):

  • “Introducción a las zoonosis: conceptos básicos”. Laila Darwich.
  • “Zoonosis transmitidas por alimentos”. Ignacio Badiola i Saiz.
  • “La rabia, ¿un riesgo para España?”. Sebastian Napp.
  •  “Zoonosis transmitidas por vectores, unos vehículos muy sofisticados”. Sanda Talavera Forcades.
  • “Zoonosis profesionales”. Enric Vidal Barba.
  • Un café con…Lluís Picart
  • “El hombre y los animales: una relación en constante evolución”. Karla Alejandra Cameron.
  • “Los conceptos motivación y satisfacción pueden ser sinónimos”. Alice E. de Fontes.
  • “Las zoonosis, una patología médica de espectro cambiante”. Ferran Segura Porta.

This sixth issue of CReSAPIENS was funded by Boehringer Ingelheim, BioChek,, Merial and the Consell de Col•legis de Veterinaris de Catalunya.

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→ Download here for free the CReSAPIENS nº 6.
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About the author of this post:

Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (IRTA-CReSA). Programa de Sanitat Animal IRTA. Tel. +34 93 467 40 40 Ext. 1788