Updated edition of the Atlas of Avian Necropsy with participation of IRTA-CReSA

Available the new “Atlas of Avian Necropsy: Macroscopic Diagnosis Sampling” (Spanish) written by Roser Dolz Pascual and Natàlia Majó Masferrer, Professor of the Department of Animal Health and Anatomy of the Veterinary School of the UAB and researcher attached to the Center for Research in Animal Health (IRTA-CReSA).

The updated edition describes the technique of avian necropsy in a detailed and systematic way and includes QR codes that link with videos of the inspection and sampling of the different organs. The first chapter, structured by organs from the skin to the nervous system, explains how to inspect each of the organs, devices and systems and shows their appearance in the absence of injuries. The second chapter describes the pathologies of the birds usually observed in the slaughterhouse, while the third chapter offers the guidelines for taking samples during a necropsy for subsequent complementary diagnostic tests. With more than 200 images and the inclusion of videos, this book can guarantee the maximum diagnostic performance of the necropsy procedure in production birds.

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About the author of this post:

Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (IRTA-CReSA). Programa de Sanitat Animal IRTA. marina.torres@irta.cat Tel. +34 93 467 40 40 Ext. 1788