Researchers of IRTA-CReSA visit the Wageningen University & Research

The researcher Florencia Correa Fiz and the doctoral student made a stay at the Wageningen University & Research in Holland, in the laboratory of Dr. Jerry Wells, with a scholarship granted by the international network of veterinary research centers for epizootic diseases (EPIZONE).
This work is part of a collaboration between the Wageningen University & Research and the IRTA-CReSA on a project of “Strategies of protection against the African Swine Fever: from basic to applied research”, led by Fernando Rodríguez, director of the Program of Animal Health of the IRTA.
EPIZONE European Research Group (ERG) is the international network of veterinary research institutes that work on epizootic animal diseases, including those that may have zoonotic potential. It plays a key role in research on prevention, detection and control of animal diseases and zoonoses to reduce risks and harm to animal health and public health risks in the European Union.
The objectives of EPIZONE is to improve, standardize and develop new diagnostic methods, vaccines, intervention strategies, surveillance, epidemiological studies and risk analysis, with the aim of better prevention and control of infectious diseases of animals such as foot-and-mouth disease, avian influenza, classical swine fever and diseases transmitted by arthropods (ticks and mosquito nets) such as bluetongue, Schmallenberg virus, African swine fever, African horse sickness, Congo fever Fever and West Nile fever. IRTA-CReSA is one of the partners of the EPIZONE network.