Llilianne Ganges from IRTA-CReSA attended the ceremony of the Porks Awards 2019 of Colombia

On July 13th, the third edition of the Porks Awards was held in Bogotá, Colombia, through the Porkcolombia Association. It is the guild that has represented the country’s pork producers for 35 years. Its job is to promote and accompany the process of technification in all grades of the meat and pork chain and encourage the consumption of pork.
The Porks Awards value the widespread improvement of the pork production industry and motivate producers to improve their parameters to be at the top of Colombian national pigs. Porkcolombia – National Bottom of the Porcicultura gave 34 statuettes to the farms that stood out by their results in terms of biosecurity, sustainable production and reproductive parameters, farms that day to day strive to obtain a better performance and to be every time more efficient and competitive.
Dr. Llilianne Ganges was one of the guests at the event and took part in the awards ceremony. Ganges is an expert researcher at the OIE in Classical Swine Pest and has been working with Colombia to follow some strategies in the disease eradication program, in coordination with the Agricultural Institute of Colombia (ICA). Colombia has managed to have an area free of the disease, but is working intensively on its eradication in areas where the disease is still endemic.