IRTA-CReSA signs up for ESCOLAB and Brain Awareness Week

ESCOLAB is an initiative of the Barcelona City Council to bring research closer to students of all ages with the aim of motivating them to face their professional trajectory towards research, innovation and technology.
IRTA-CReSA joins this initiative again by offering visits to its facilities during the school year: conventional laboratories and high biosafety laboratories. The activity is entitled: No microbe escapes from here! Why do we need a high biosecurity facility to study farm animal diseases?
Likewise, as in other years, we also participate in the activities organized during the World Brain Awareness Week 2018, in which, apart from the visit to the center, an introductory talk about prion diseases is offered entitled: Why do cows go mad? The prion enigma.
You can find information and book activities on the ESCOLAB website.
This year students are also encouraged to participate in a contest proposing ideas to solve societal challenges generated from the activities leartn during ESCOLAB visits.