Pig health: Promoting health rather than treating disease

Joaquim Segalés, researcher at IRTA-CReSA and associate professor at UAB, has participated in the co-authorship of the book “Pig health”, together with an international team of swine health and production experts.
This new book focuses on the health of pigs, first with coverage of the disorders of pigs organized by clinical signs and body system. The book explores environmental medicine and then health maintenance. Treatment options are discussed, emphasizing a reduction in antimicrobial use and an increased awareness of a holistic approach to treatment. The book includes over 600 illustrations to enhance the clinical description, as well as a wealth of high-quality videos to test the reader in making differential diagnoses with treatment options. Quizzes at the end of each section also encourage reflective learning.
Those interested in population medicine (poultry, aquaculture, cattle and small ruminant and apiaries) will particularly enjoy the holistic approach to veterinary medicine. This book moves veterinary science forward, promoting health rather than treating disease. It will be your number one reference for keeping your pigs healthy. Moreover, the book is an excellent guide for veterinary students who will find great passion for the pig world.
Pig Health. John Carr, Shih-Ping Chen, Joseph F. Connor, Roy Kirkwood, Joaquim Segalés CRC Press