First Cystinet International Conference

The First Cystinet International Conference took place on 3-4 November 2015 in Belgrade (Serbia). The main objective of Cystinet, the European Network on Taeniosis/Cysticercosis (COST Action TD1302), is to build a strong, extensive, multi-disciplinary scientific network to induce sustainable collaborations with the aim to advance knowledge and understanding of the taeniosis/cysticercosis zoonotic disease complexes. The First Cystinet International Conference brought together experts on these diseases from Europe and beyond, from both the medical and veterinary fields as well as environment, sanitation etc. and provided a singular forum for the exchange of knowledge, data and ideas. Researcher Minerva Laranjo González, form IRTA-CReSA, attended the conference and presented the study entitled “Epidemiology, impact and control of bovine cysticercosis in Europe: a systematic review” as an oral communication.
Also, a poster was presented authored by IRTA-CReSA researcher Enric Vidal and collaborators entitled “Slaughterhouse surveillance of bovine and porcine cysticercosis in Catalonia (2008-2014) through SESC: the slaughterhouse support network.” in collaboration with the Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya.
For more information visit the CYSTINET website or contact the responsible person from IRTA-CReSA, Minerva Laranjo González.
For more inormation on the Slaughterhouse support network (SESC) vitsit its website.