Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week 2024 I – Porcine Nasal Microbiota

The animal microbiota is the community of microorganisms inhabiting the bodies of animals, which is determinant for host health, since it is involved in nutrition, metabolism, immunity and protection against pathogens. Specifically, the nasal microbiota is the first barrier that respiratory pathogens need to overcome to infect animals. If the population of the microbes normally present in the microbiota is altered, the colonization of the respiratory mucosa by respiratory pathogens is facilitated, and in consequence their subsequent dissemination inside the body, leading to an infection. Antibiotics have proven to be a very useful tool for the treatment of bacterial infections, but at the same time they alter the commensal microbial communities, and their continued and inappropriate use leads to serious problems such as the appearance of multiresistant bacteria. Hence, a stable and healthy microbiota, which improves the immune function against infections and guarantees the exclusion of pathogenic bacteria, would allow the reduction in the use of antibiotics.

Our research focuses on the study of the porcine nasal microbiota in different aspects: its characterization, to understand its implications in health and disease; the study of interactions and network that are established among the bacteria of the microbiota, to understand which are essential to avoid the colonization of pathogens; and finally, the analysis of the many factors that contribute to the correct development of a healthy microbiota. Our aim is to ensure a proper pathogen exclusion through a correct microbiota development and modulation, and thus, contribute to the reduction of the use of antibiotics.


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