From 19 to 21 October 2015 it was held the XXIV ENIVD Meeting in Thessaloniki (Greece). ENIVD is the European Network for Diagnostics of Imported Viral Diseases. This annual event brings together the ENIVD members from different European countries. IRTA-CReSA is a member of the network and Dr. Júlia Vergara Alert attended the meeting as a representative of the center.
The scientific program included sessions devoted to Hantaviruses, Ebola virus, emerging viruses and vector borne viruses, and one last session to discuss about Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever. Júlia presented several studies carried out in IRTA-CReSA in a presentation entitled “One Health research at CReSA, dealing with emerging viruses”.
For more information visit the ENIVD website or contact the risponsible from IRTA-CReSA, Dr. Núria Busquets.