Campylobacter session
Next Thursday, November 7, CReSA is going to organize a session about “Campylobacter: from the farm to the table”, where the campilobacteriosi will be the focus of the discussion: its current situation and future prospects. This disease has become the most important one in the European Union and, in the last years, more than salmonelosis.
The session will be held in the Sala d’Actes of the Facultat de Veterinària, in the UAB, at 10:00 h. It will count with the presence of researchers from IRTA-CReSA, responsibles of food agencies, as Agència Catalana de Seguretat Alimentària and the ASPCAT, as well as the Deputy Veterinary Director and Head of Strategy from Food Standards Agency, London.
This event is part of the Annual Technology Transfer Plan for 2013 (Pla Anual de Transferència Tecnològica – PATT).
- Download the program
- This event is free, but requires registration by sending an email to Servei d’Innovació Agroalimentària; or contacting: +34 93 304 67 29
For further information, contact:
Elisabet Rodríguez GonzálezHead of Communication at CReSA
Telephone.: +34 93 581 45 64; Fax: +34 93 581 44 90