Tag Archives: Diagnostic

Viral comments (43): Endemic arboviral infections. Don’t got it, don’t got it, don’t got it…. Denguit!
We already have it here … perhaps it only comes to visit, or perhaps one should say that it returns to visit … we do not know if it’s for a few days or for many years.

Application of MALDI-TOF assay for identification and differentiation of mastitis-causing pathogens from milk and non-milk samples

PRRS, a virus drooling on the ropes
Currently, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, more commonly known as PRRS, its acronym, represents one of the major headaches of the pig farms in the country. An outbreak of PRRS causes reproductive problems in sows, such as abortions in the last third of gestation, preterm delivery and birth of weak piglets, many of which die before they are weaned. In the transition piglets and fattening pigs PRRS is manifested by respiratory signs, growth retardation and increased mortality. As a result, the economic losses are very high, ii is indeed one of the most costly diseases for intensive pig production systems.