Author Archives: Lourdes Migura

Eurasian griffon vultures feeding on landfills are colonized by multidrug-resistant bacteria similar to those causing hospital-acquired infections.

JIACRA-ES report; a One Health approach to associate consumption of antimicrobials and emergence of resistance

2nd Prize for the best idea for RES-KIT: a field tool for detecting multiresistant bacteria

Laila Darwich and I (Lourdes Migura-Garcia), researchers from IRTA-CReSA have participated together with researchers from CSIC and UAB in the course organized by the “Parc de Recerca de la UAB” (PRUAB) named  Generation of Ideas Programme. With our novel idea RES-KIT, our team has been awarded the second price.

The use of antibiotics in pig farms may endanger public health? Study of the emergence of resistance.