2nd Prize for the best idea for RES-KIT: a field tool for detecting multiresistant bacteria
Laila Darwich and I (Lourdes Migura-Garcia), researchers from IRTA-CReSA have participated together with researchers from CSIC and UAB in the course organized by the “Parc de Recerca de la UAB” (PRUAB) named Generation of Ideas Programme. With our novel idea RES-KIT, our team has been awarded the second price.
The RES-KIT is a pen-site diagnostic kit that facilitates the individualized diagnostic of multidrug resistant bacteria causing bovine mastitis. The kit is based in a microfluidic platform of very low cost (lab-on-a-film) that allows to perform complex and hard labour-laboratory protocols in a short period of time. In particular, the RES-KIT identifies, directly from milk samples, the bacterium causing the mastitis and its resistance genes. The kit reduces the waiting time of traditional microbiological techniques, favoring the exact diagnostic and optimizing the antimicrobial treatment. The technology allows to easily integrate and move functionalized reagents and microspheres in a cartridge with simple pulses of light generated by a very compact instrument. The RES-KIT cartridge, unlike the other available systems, can be manufactured at a much more affordable price.
The technology, which has already generated a patent application, has been developed by a team from the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB CNM CSIC), Antoni Baldi, Maria Diaz González and César Fernández Sánchez; Laila Darwich (UAB-CReSA) and Lourdes Migura-Garcia (IRTA-CReSA); Sergi Montané and Sergi Rodríguez Institute of Biotecnology and Biomedicine (IBB UAB), and Carolina Liz Mascaró, student of the Master in Marketing (UAB).