II Microbiology Meeting of the Catalan Society of Biology

Last Friday 29th November, the II Meeting of Microbiology organized by the Microbiology Section of the Catalan Society of Biology was held. The aim of this day was mainly to establish a meeting point among the scientific Catalan community working in the area of microbiology.
Among the main subjects discussed during the day, the use and abuse of antibiotics together with the emergence of antimicrobial resistances was included. Dr. Virgina Aragon was the invited chairwoman in a section devoted to Clinical Microbiology and Epidemiology, focused in Animal Health, where Dr. Florencia Correa-Fiz gave a talk on the effect of ceftiofur treatment on the microbiota of pregnant sows and their offspring.
Moreover, other researchers and students from IRTA-CReSA had the chance to share their results with the community through oral communications or posters. Furthermore, there were relevant communications from other centers from IRTA such as Food and Safety or Ruminant Production Programs. The meeting was a success due to the possibility to communicate the work of IRTA, and to establish new scientific collaborations.