IRTA-CReSA at the annual meeting of the INNOTARGETS project

Last week, Virginia Aragón and Florencia Correa-Fiz researchers of the Animal Health Program of IRTA (CReSA) together with the PhD student Ayelén Perez Falcón, attended the Annual meeting for the INNOTARGETS project (INNOvative approaches to identification of metabolic TARGETS for antimicrobials) in Germany. The meeting took place at the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf, where 12 early research students from different research centers and diverse nationalities, showed their last advances in their research projects and were engaged in fruitful discussions.

INNOTARGETS is a MSCA European Training Network (ETN) made up of 10 academia and industrial partners from Denmark, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain and UK. Its aim is to identify novel metabolic drug targets in pathogenic bacteria, using technical tools which are attractive to both industry and academia. Thus, the goal of INNOTARGETS is to solve scientific questions related to metabolism of bacteria during infection, mathematical modelling for target identification and toxicity prediction, adaptation of resistant bacteria to treatment, and control of spread of resistance.

Ayelén Perez explains that “this meeting has allowed us to learn more about microbiology and antimicrobial resistance. Moreover, we’ve met researchers with different scientific backgrounds. We were able to discuss future research and collaborations, as well as the impact of our research on society.”


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About the author of this post:

Investigadora del Programa de Sanitat Animal. IRTA-CReSA.