We are hiring Postdoctoral researchers at IRTA-CReSA

Information about the next postdoctoral fellowships.
If you are interested in apply for a Postdoc position, at the Animal Health Research Center (IRTA-CReSA) we are searching for positions to work with the following areas:
- Campylobacter infection and control in poultry
- Vector-borne animal diseases
- Antimicrobial resistance in farm animals
Information about the postdoc fellowships:
- Beatriu de Pinós (BdP). Application deadlines: 13/12/2019 – 03/2/2020 [info]
- Juan de la Cierva (JdC). Application deadlines: 18/12/2019 – 15/01/2020 [info]
- Ramón y Cajal (RYC). Application deadlines: 12/12/2019 – 14/01/2020 [info]
Contact us for further information: natalia.majo@irta.cat