Six medical experts, debating on the abuse of antibiotics in the TV of Barcelona

The researcher of IRTA-CReSA and Professor of the Unit for Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of the UAB Laila Darwich Soliva participated in a debate on the dangers of antibiotic abuse in the program “El mati de Barcelona” by Betevé, directed by Núria Ferré.
Six experts participated in the debate on antimicrobial resistance: Clara Ballesté, coordinator of the ISGlobal Antimicrobial Resistance Initiative; Susana Melendo, pediatric infectologist of Vall d’Hebron and pediatric PROA coordinator; Maria Perelló, responsible for the Drug Information Center of the Barcelona Bar Association; Miriam de la Poza, a family doctor and collaborator in the study published by the Catalan Institute of Health to reduce the use of antibiotics and Laila Darwich Soliva, an IRTA-CReSA researcher and Professor at the UAB.
Darwich has explained the situation that is experienced in the veterinary field when diagnosing infections and what treatment is chosen in each case. He pointed out that more investment is needed, especially in the veterinary field, to have rapid and effective methods of diagnostics to know what pathogens cause illnesses and, therefore, to choose the appropriate specific treatment. He also added that in the field of livestock farming it is working to reduce the consumption of antibiotics and, at the same time, improve biosecurity conditions, as well as to bet on vaccines as the effective method to prevent the emergence of Diseases and infections enter the animals. Currently, farms are already working to implement management measures to better control the sick animals within the farm.