CReSA participated in the Science Week 2014 offering open house days for students

A hundred high school students participated in an open house days offered by the CReSA for Science Week, during the days of November 17th to 21st of 2014. During the visit, besides presenting them which activities carried out at the Research Center, the students had the opportunity to see closely the biosafety level 2 laboratories (BSL2) and to know how the BSL3 laboratory and animal facilities work.
This year, the institutes Pere Calders, Gorgs Cerdanyola del Vallès, the Jesuits Lleida – Col·legi Claver-Raimat and IES Pau Vila de Sabadell visited the CReSA. They were guided mostly by PhD students who are developing their thesis in different areas of animal health research.
The fact that the PhD students, which are researchers still in training, were responsible for leading the visit was very rewarding. They had the opportunity to share this moment with the young students, showing them what they do, and approach them the notion that different professional possibilities may arise from the scientific activity.
This was the 19th edition of the Science Week and, as always, was coordinated by the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (Acronym in Catalan FCRi – Fundació Catalana per la Recerca i la Innovació). This time the central topics were about crystallography and biotechnology, as homage to the International Year of Crystallography and Biotechnology year.
This kind of initiatives, which tries to bring closer science to the society, generates genuine feed-backs from both sides. On one hand, students and teachers make the most of the experience to learn about the activities carried out by the researchers from CReSA. On other side, the scientists take this opportunity for explaining what do they do but also they learn how to “communicate”, to make it accessible the science to the society. emphasizing the fact that science is a tool at the society service.
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