A study published in the Veterinary Patology about the immunological system of the ferrets

Beatriz Vidaña, PhD student in the CReSA, is the author of the article “Immune system cells in healthy ferrets: an immunohistochemical study”, published in Veterinary Pathology journal. It is a descriptive study about the immunological system of ferrets, increasingly present in homes and a common animal model for characterized different physiological and pathological conditions.

Hurones B. vidana

IHC showing with a large scale the immune system cells of ferrets

Vidaña affirms that few studies have focused attention on the immunohistochemical (IHC) techniques in ferrets, ideal for the characterization of immune system cells in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues.

This information offered by Vidaña is concerned with the identification of immune cells, in lymphoid as well as non-lymphoid organs of healthy ferret tissues, and froms a  basis for future pathologic studies. Knowing the distribution of normal cells in detail could, also lead to deeper understanding of immune responses in ferrets, “which may help in the diagnosis and research into different infectious and noninfectious diseases”, such as foresees Vidaña.

  • Immune System Cells in Healthy Ferrets: An Immunohistochemical Study. Vidaña B, Majó N, Pérez M, Montoya M, Martorell J, Martínez J. Vet Pathol published online 17 September 2013. DOI: 10.1177/0300985813502815. | To read the complete article |

Article related: A descriptive study on the immunological system of the pigs

  • Immunohistological study of the immune system cells in paraffin-embedded tissues of conventional pigs. Chianini F, Majo N, Segales J, et al. Vet Immunol  Immunopathol. Published October 2001;82:245-255.  |  To read the complete article  |


For further information, contact:

Beatriz Vidaña Mateo
PhD Student at CReSA
E-mail: beatriz.vidana@cresa.uab.cat
Phone no.: 93 581 15 97; Fax: +34 93 581 44 90
Edifici CReSA. Campus de la UAB
 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès) Spain

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