Fernando Rodríguez is named secretary of the Spanish Society for Virology

In the last month of September, Dr. Fernando Rodríguez, investigator in CReSA since 2004, was named secretary of the SEV in substitution of the former Secretary of the SEV, Dr. Antonio Talavera. He will be part of the new SEV Directory board under the presidency of Dr. Albert Bosch.
He is, also, author of three patents and over sixty publications in prestigious international journals on virology and vaccines. Dr. Rodríguez plays a valuable role in the entity as a researcher in charge of the research line on “Asfaviruses”, within the CReSA’s subprogram of transboundary viral infections and has directed five doctoral thesis.
The Spanish Society for Virology was funded in 1987 as a non-profit scientific society. It intends to promote the education, research and knowledge of virology, and assess in this field of science to any institution, as well public as private, by means of national congress calls, organizing courses or publishing in the institutional journal.
Fernando Rodríguez González Edifici CReSA. Campus UAB. 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) Tlfno: +34 935 814 562; Fax: +34 935 814 490Contact:
fernando.rodriguez@cresa.uab.cat ; sev@ucm.uam.es