Researchers from IRTA-CReSA attend to the 4th International Workshop on Streptococcus suis and 12th Annual CRIPA Symposium in Montreal

International researchers and national practitioners got together in Montreal (Canada) during 3 days for an exciting scientific program with an especial focus on Streptococcus suis disease. The meeting was jointly organized with CRIPA, a strategic cluster of Quebec province dedicated to swine and poultry infectiology.
The program started with the talk of Dr. Rafael Blasco (INIA, Spain), giving an ‘Overview of the OECD Cooperative Research Program’, which was the main sponsor of the conference.

Dr. Virginia Aragón.
Many aspects of S. suis epidemiology and control were discussed among researchers all over the world, including most of workpackage leaders and researchers of the Program for Innovative Global prevention of Streptococcus suis (PIGSs). Latest results on genomic classification, antimicrobial resistance, serotypes involved in disease, virulence studies, pathogenesis models and availability of vaccines were presented. The perspective from both porcine and human disease were included, since this zoonosis is an increasing health risk. From IRTA-CReSA, Virginia Aragón, Flor Correa-Fiz, Carlos Neila and Miguel Blanco attended the meeting and presented their results in an oral presentation and posters.