Dr. Júlia Vergara-Alert is awarded a scholarship from the HKU-Pasteur Research Pole to participate in a coronavirus course at the University of Hong Kong

The Scientific Committee of the Pasteur Research Center (University of Hong Kong, HKU) has awarded a scholarship to Dr. Júlia Vergara-Alert from IRTA-CReSA to participate in the 15th Virology Course organized by the same institution. The course will be held from 7 to 13 July and the faculties will be top researcher in the field of coronaviruses. PhD students of the MERS-CoV research line at CReSA, Te Nigeer and Jordi Rodon, will also participate in this course.
Most endemic coronaviruses (CoV) cause mild respiratory and intestinal infections in animals and humans. The identification of two novel and highly pathogenic coronaviruses as the cause of SARS and MERS outbreaks has illustrated the risks associated with zoonotic infections from this family of viruses. The course will review our current understanding and knowledge gaps, with special emphasis on the origin, evolution, transmissibility, molecular biology, epidemiological and clinical features of the highly pathogenic SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. Practical workshops will challenge participants to design experimental strategies to mitigate the impact of CoV infections. Course directors are Roberto Bruzzone (Hong Kong); Chris Mok (Hong Kong) ; Malik Peiris (Hong Kong) and Noel Tordo (Guinea).
Zoonotic Anticipation and Preparedness Initiative (ZAPI project) [Innovative Medicines initiative (IMI) grant 115760], with assistance and financial support from IMI and the European Commission and contributions from EFPIA partners.