Glässer disease and nasal microbiota, hot topics of the XIV Swine Production Congress in Córdoba, Argentina

The past 28, 29 and 30 of August, the pig sector of Argentina met in Córdoba (Argentina) to celebrate its XIV Swine Production Congress (in conjunction with the IX congress of swine production of Mercosur and the XX Swine Update Days). Dr. Virginia Aragón participated as guest lecturer, and presented her recent results on nasal microbiota in her talk “Respiratory microbiome: Role in the prevention of colonizers of the upper respiratory tract” and gave a talk about Glässer’s disease that was entitled ” Advances in the diagnosis and control of Glässer’s disease “.
This congress is organized by teachers from the National University of Río Cuarto with collaboration from the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the UBA and INTA, plus the auspices of the Provincial and National governments. The congress had numerous technical-scientific conferences on economy, environment, reproduction, health, facilities and management. The dissemination of the advances achieved by Argentine researchers also occupied a preferential place in the program, with oral and written presentations.
Here’s a vídeo (in spanish) of a interview to Dra. Virginia Aragón: