Category Archives: African Swean Fever

Citizen campaign to avoid African swine fever
The Government of Catalonia launches an information campaign aimed at the whole society with the aim of preventing the arrival of African Swine Fever (PPA) in Catalonia and detect it as soon as possible if there is some suspicious case.

African swine fever, frequently asked questions
What is the current status of the African Swine Fever virus? What is the resistance of the virus? What are its transmission routes? And the forms of infection? What can we do to prevent it? Dr. Llilianne Ganges, IRTA-CReSA researcher and OIE expert on Classical Swine Fever virus answers these questions.

Will the smallest RNA molecule become the secret weapon to defeat the African swine fever virus?
A work carried out at IRTA-CReSA has allowed to identify different expression patterns of porcine microRNAs in an African swine fever virus (ASFV) experimental infection in pigs. The results not only increase our knowledge of the virus-host interaction but identify possible targets for the control of this important disease for which, at the moment, there is no vaccine in the market.