#ESPHM2018 a sucessful edition
The 10th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (ESPHM) was held in Barcelona (Spain) between May 9th and 11th, 2018. The meeting was attended by a total of 1,906 delegates, including regular, exhibitor and press ones, from 55 different countries from all around the globe. The symposium was a great success in attendance and from organizational issues, and numerous positive comments were received during and after its celebration.
The scientific contents were highly appreciated by the delegates. The ESPHM started with the classical presentation on swine pig and pork production in the organizing country (Spain in this case). Major focuses of the congress were on the cost of diseases, African swine fever, biosecurity and management of large litters. These subjects were tackled by eight worldwide recognized experts and roundtable discussions favored a significant participation of the delegates. Besides nine key note lectures, the congress counted with 50 oral communications in different subjects, including a session for residents of the European College of Porcine Health Management (ECPHM), and 390 poster presentations.
Noteworthy, the ESPHM 2018 counted with a very important support of the swine industry, with 10 Gold, four Silver and two Bronze Sponsors, six Collaborators and seven Media Sponsors. The Organizing Committee of the ESPHM 2018 greatly thank all their contribution and help for making the symposium an unforgettable event!
Once again, the ESPHM was a joint collaboration among three parties including the ECPHM, the European Association of Porcine Health Management (EAPHM) and, for the ESPHM 2018, the Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA) at Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA) as Local Organizing Committee (LOC). The ESPHM in Barcelona has been the 10th edition of the symposium, representing the complete consolidation of a meeting that started in Copenhagen (Denmark) in 2009 with 220 delegates. Since then, the congress has evolved at all levels, with more than 1,540 delegates in the previous edition in Prague (Czech Republic) in 2017. This is an evident proof of the increasing interest that the scientific contents of the ESPHM offers, not only for European veterinarians but also to the international community. Although settled in Europe, the ESPHM aspires to be a source of updated knowledge and know-how in its field for the whole world.
The LOC, CReSA-IRTA, would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to the ECPHM and EAPHM boards for their support in the organization of the event, as well as to all sponsor partners. Moreover, our acknowledgement to all key note speakers, and oral communication and poster presenters; they are the real soul of this symposium! Last but not least, our warm thanks to Grupo Pacífico, the professional congress operator who did an incredible job to convert the ESPHM 2018 in a memorable symposium.