Researchers from IRTA-CReSA attended the annual meeting of the European ZAPI Project about zoonosis

The European Project ZAPI (Zoonoses Anticipation and Preparedness Initiative) held its annual Meeting in Paris, France, on March 14-15, 2019. ZAPI is the first “One Health” project of IMI (Innovative Medicines Initiative) which connects experts on animal and public Health.
ZAPI is a collaborative partnership between more than 20 European partners, including leading human and veterinary research institutions, non-governmental organizations, regulatory agencies, expert academic groups, and vaccine and biotech manufacturers. One of the partners of this consortium is CReSA (Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal), a center from IRTA (Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries), and Dr. Joaquim Segalés, Dr. Albert Bensaid and Dr. Júlia Vergara-Alert, three researcher of the project, attended the Meeting.
During the meeting, Dr. Vergara-Alert presented the latest developments of the group concerning animal models for the study of MERS-CoV (Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus) that are being developed at IRTA-CReSA with a presentation entitled “Immunological studies of llamas and alpacas infected by MERS-CoV”.