The african swine fever research of IRTA-CReSA, on the main Catalan TV

The Chinese pig sector is suffering for months a great economic effects caused by the epidemic of african swine fever in the country. The disease has forced 200 million pigs to be slaughtered since the first outbreak was detected. Consequently, the price of pork has risen to twice as much. The population consumes less meat and traders now perceive major economic losses.
This is what the TV3 correspondent and Catalunya Ràdio in Beijing, the journalist Francesc Canals, told in the “Els matins” program on TV3. This week, an international conference on emerging swine diseases is celebrated in the Chinese capital. The researcher Llilianne Ganges, expert in classical swine fever and pestivirus, has been able to talk with the journalist to explain in what point is the research on a vaccine prototype that is being carried out by an IRTA-CReSA team led by Dr. Fernando Rodríguez.
Avui a @elsmatins, la pesta porcina africana a la #Xina. Un virus inofensiu pels humans però mortal pels porcs, amb gran impacte econòmic. Des del primer brot, s’han sacrificat 200 milions de porcs, la meitat de la producció anual del país▶️ (obrim fil👇)
— IRTA-CReSA (@CReSA_r) October 25, 2019