SYMPOSIUM: Generic risk assessment for introduction of animal diseases

A one-day symposium will be organised by Wageningen Bioveterinary Research to disseminate results of the G-RAID project (Generic approaches for Risk Assessment of Infectious animal Disease introduction).
In this project, European experience and expertise in generic RA modelling for animal diseases has been combined to investigate the potential for standardization of input data and algorithms, to explore options for validation of generic RA tools and to discuss how results of generic risk assessments can be communicated.
IRTA-CReSA contributes to the G-RAID project, together with the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) of the UK, the Wageningen Bioveterinary Research Institute (WBVR), the National Veterinary Institute-Technical University of Denmark (DTU), the National Veterinary Institute of Sweden (SVA) and the Finnish Food Safety Authority (EVIRA). The objective of G-RAID is the development of generic tools for the evaluation of the risk of introduction of exotic animal diseases into EU countries.