Category Archives: Endemic diseases

The use of antibiotics in pig farms may endanger public health? Study of the emergence of resistance.

The nasal bacterial community of piglets may influence the subsequent development of Glässer’s disease

The microbiota, the community of microorganisms on a particular body site, has been extensively studied during the last few years, and demonstrated to influence the development of many diseases. The nasal mucosa of piglets is colonized by bacteria early in life, constituting the nasal microbiota.

Keys to recognize the clinical signs and pathological findings of porcine circovirus type 2

Salvador Oliver-Ferrando, a PhD student from CReSA, together with Dra. Marina Sibila, researcher of the CReSA, and Dr. Joaquim Segalés, the director of the aforementioned research center, are the authors of the review article published in the Suis magazine, “Clinic signs and pathological findings, How to recognize it?

New doctoral thesis about the bovine tuberculosis in the herds

Campylobacter session

New strategies to improve tuberculosis control in goats

Pigs, viral sakers

Goats, domestic reservoirs of bovine tuberculosis