Tag Archives: Viruses

Rift Valley virus study made by IRTA-CReSA and INIA-CISA is awarded by the Royal Entomological Society

African swine fever, an epidemic that crosses Europe

Liebre ibérica. Juan Lacruz CC-BY

IRTA coordinates the group ‘MIXOlepus’ to face mixomatosis in the hare

Pigs and llamas are also susceptible to be infected by MERS-CoV

Mosquit tigre. Autor: Alexander Northey (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Available the Chikungunya, Dengue and Zika virus cases report in Catalonia during 2018

The Sub-Directorate General for Emergency Surveillance and Response in Public Health of the Public Health Agency of Catalonia has published the report on the surveillance and control of arbovirosis transmitted by mosquitoes in Catalonia during the period from June to November 2018. IRTA-CReSA collaborates in the execution of this surveillance.

Viral comments (45): Ebola and Congo, almost a perfect storm

This is the fifth (false) month of a new outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), a country that has already experienced ten epidemics for this virus throughout its history. In fact, the virus was discovered there in 1976. And it is not being given excessive importance, assuming it will be solved as precedents. And maybe yes, but…

Citizen campaign to avoid African swine fever

The Government of Catalonia launches an information campaign aimed at the whole society with the aim of preventing the arrival of African Swine Fever (PPA) in Catalonia and detect it as soon as possible if there is some suspicious case.

Foto: GVN

Researchers of CReSA at the 10th International Global Virus Network Meeting