Tag Archives: Zoonosis

Viral comments (22): Zika and animals: We do not know much!

The Zika virus is an emerging virus (ZIKV), because right now it rides on Aedes genus mosquitoes colonizing new geographic areas, but it’s been around us openly over 60 years (it is noted on a recent study that the three variants that circulate nowadays, two African and one from Asia, have a common origin back in 1920, but we cannot go beyond that time) and probably hundreds or thousands of years in their natural hosts … which we have not yet fully identified.

First Cystinet International Conference

The First Cystinet International Conference took place on 3-4 November 2015 in Belgrade (Serbia).

Viral Comments (19): MERS keeps its crown, but becomes Coreanvirus

This post has been published in Catalan and Spanish only, please accept our apologies.

Third Iberian Congress on Prions

The third Iberian Congress of prions was held in Zaragoza the past 2nd and 3rd of November . This meeting brings together scientists studying prion diseases both in the area of human and veterinary medicine as well as groups working on solving the mysterious structure of prions.

CReSAPIENS nº 6. An introduction to zoonoses: basics concepts

The sixth number of CReSAPIENS, our science divulgation journal, is now available. This time, the author of the articles aproches the zoonoses through its many perspectives: from its way of transmission (that is to say, through the consumption of animal products, vectors or through the direct contact with infected animals), to the importance of the public health surveillance, also its history and evolution, etc.

Campylobacter session

Bacterial biofilms: why should we care?